Understanding Volatility: What It Means for Your Investments
Market fluctuations can feel unnerving, especially when planning for...
Market fluctuations can feel unnerving, especially when planning for...
Many successful business owners share a common story: they have the...
Are you considering the future of your wealth and how to pass it on to...
A few years ago, we were approached by a new client with two questions...
What’s the best way to build wealth? The answer is…there is no single BEST way to build wealth. We think the right question is: What is the best way to build wealth for you? This question requires a process, a method to find your ideal mix of strategies.
529 college savings plans can be a great way to prepare for future...
You’ve worked hard, invested well, and are finally ready to make the...
If seeing “recession” in the headlines makes you worry that your...
What's your number? The amount you need in your nest egg to retire? Here's how to find out!
What’s the value of partnering with a Financial Planning and Wealth Management team like Alterra? Working with a Wealth Management Team is not for everyone, but if you think a wealth management partnership is right for you, here’s what the value of an advisor looks like practically.
If seeing “recession” in the headlines makes you worry that your...
Will Social Security run out of money? You may have heard warnings about this dire scenario, though this assumes no action will be taken. So, what’s the real risk of Social Security disappearing?
How’s my portfolio doing? Is it beating the S&P 500? This is a common path that many investors take when evaluating their investment strategies, especially when a well-known index like the S&P 500 rallies ahead of many others – but should you? Here's a closer look at the S&P 500 and three principles to confidently build and evaluate your strategies.
I’m thinking about buying a rental property but what should I...
When the market is up, terms like bull market and economic expansion pass by without concern. But when the market turns down, terms like correction, bear market and recession add confusion to uncertainty and increase anxiety. But, what do these terms actually mean?