Financial Planning

6 Things that Affect the Value of Your Business – Guest Blog

6 Things that Affect the Value of Your Business – Guest Blog

If you are like most business owners, the bulk of your wealth is the value of your business, and at some point you want retire and harvest the value you have built. The majority of small to medium sized business owners only sell once, so the odds say this will be your first time selling a business. So what should you pay attention to? Here are six things with the biggest impact on the value and salability of your business.

Taxes & Highly Appreciated Stock

Taxes & Highly Appreciated Stock

You might be an early Microsoft employee, tech company executive, or have been gifted shares of stock as a kid. You’d like to diversify, but the resulting tax bill seems almost as big as the portfolio itself! In Taxes & Highly Appreciated Stock, we’ll look at a case study and strategies to consider if you find yourself in this situation.

Big Giving in Uncertain Times

Big Giving in Uncertain Times

We all fear uncertainty, but in volatile times, many Big Givers are particularly nervous. When primarily using wealth to support causes you care about, it’s natural to wonder “Are we going to be ok?” “What if we need those funds?” “Can we continue with these large gifts?” First, we should first acknowledge that these concerns are normal. Then, we can ask two key questions back.

Are We a Fit? The Alterra Fit Interview

Are We a Fit? The Alterra Fit Interview

A first meeting – or “first date” – with a professional like a financial advisor can be uncomfortable. Believe it or not, it can feel just as uncomfortable for the professional. But it doesn't have to be! Our Alterra Fit Interview creates an open, comfortable, productive first discussion and enables us to discover together if we're a good fit and your best next steps - whether with or without us!

5 Mistakes People Make in a Recession and How to Avoid Them

5 Mistakes People Make in a Recession and How to Avoid Them

There’s no getting around it – recessions are stressful. The 2020 COVID-19 pandemic is just the most recent reminder. Recessions bring volatility, uncertainty, anxiety and the urge to act – do something, anything, to make sure I’m safe. This is often where people make mistakes. Here are a few common ones we see and how to avoid them so you’re ready the next time around.